
Showing posts from October, 2024

Check Your Voter Registration Status TODAY

With all the really strange things that have been happening lately it is a good idea to go online with your local county Election Supervisors website and check your status. We truly need every single adult over the age of 18 to vote in this upcoming election! We have all heard the rumors - voter registration rolls being cleaned out and people being moved over into the non-party category - all those voter district lines being reformed to give the "Correct" party an advantage. Know your rights! Get your government ID updated if need be and check on your local county's Election Supervisors office on your status.  If for some reason your county does not have that service check your state's elections website or even the national one. - Every state is legally required to be connected to the Federal website so that voters can get registered online. If you are mobile you can go into your local library for assistance and even the Department of Motor Vehicles