
Showing posts from January, 2025

BookMail, Upcoming Events, Staying at a Hotel

Thank you so much L. A. Boruff for sending this great BookBox. An excellent selection and some great stickers. Cannot wait to get some time to start reading bookmail. My two daughters and granddaughter have already laid claimed to some of the items. Of couse, that may not happen until April or so. The Sunshine State Book Festival is fast approaching. I volunteered to create author promo videos and in return the authors stayed to participate in my Jolene's Book and Writer's Talk Podcast. The ads will be created and shared on the SSBF social media pages prior to February 1, 2025. The podcasts are, out of necessity, are not being editing and uploaded until after the show. Between my school schedule, recording, editing and posting schedules there just isn't any time left over to edit the 20 to 40 minute shows. I have also created videos for the Teen Lit Contest, the Writer's Workshops and A Call Out for Volunteers. Finally, I will have to do a "Thank You" to t...

Middle of January and Busy Just Doesn't Really Describe My Schedule

There is so much happening around the world right now. My own personal area is quite booked up. Most of it is all my own doing. I volunteered to help with the social medial for the Sunshine State Book Festival in Gainesville, Florida which I will also have an author table on February 1st. And I am doing another year of conducting a monthly online writer's marketing seminar for the Writers Alliance of Gainesville. I am still a semi-volunteer with the First Coast Romance Writers in Jacksonville, Florida and their 2025 schedule is packed with workshops, romance awards, book cover contests and three anthologies. I recently volunteer to help take care of the website and social media for the Northeast Florida Sisters in Crime group out of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. They have monthly writer workshops that need to be posted on social media and I just realized I volunteered to hold a monthly Writer's Business Workshop for their members. Finally, I volunteered to do the website up...

Welcome to 2025 and WTF are We Going to Do Now

 Welcome to 2025 and WTF are We Going to Do Now Over the last few days I have been unindated with video ad requests from the participating authors of the Sunshine State Book Festival on February 1, 2025 in Gainesville, Florida. Yes, silly me volunteered to do the videos again this year thinking that may be 10 or 15 of the 200 would show up on Zoom. But so far, there are 32 authors who have scheduled and on 3 haven't shown up. I am using my Zoom scheduler program because I already had it in place with my availability. I had to quickly adjust it though because I have new classes starting on January 6th and I want to attend some of the writing workshops that are scheduled over the next two weeks. Plus, I have my own workshop that I have to give on the Third Monday.  I am thinking About Doing Another One of these this year. Any Takers? The good thing (and, of course, the bad as well) is that, so far, each of the writers have agreed to participate in the Jolene's Book and Writer...