Welcome to 2025 and WTF are We Going to Do Now Over the last few days I have been unindated with video ad requests from the participating authors of the Sunshine State Book Festival on February 1, 2025 in Gainesville, Florida. Yes, silly me volunteered to do the videos again this year thinking that may be 10 or 15 of the 200 would show up on Zoom. But so far, there are 32 authors who have scheduled and on 3 haven't shown up. I am using my Zoom scheduler program because I already had it in place with my availability. I had to quickly adjust it though because I have new classes starting on January 6th and I want to attend some of the writing workshops that are scheduled over the next two weeks. Plus, I have my own workshop that I have to give on the Third Monday. I am thinking About Doing Another One of these this year. Any Takers? The good thing (and, of course, the bad as well) is that, so far, each of the writers have agreed to participate in the Jolene's Book and Writer...