Jolene's Quick Review About Link Hubs such as LinkTree And Other Rambling Thoughts
Jolene's Quick Review About Link Hubs such as LinkTree And Other Rambling Thoughts: I just finished presenting this video and did a Q&A session with those who showed up from the Writers Alliance of Gainesville author group. Of which I have been a member for a number of years now. We just closed the books on the 2025 Sunshine State Book Festival season and I may not be returning to that in the fall. I will be still giving the Marketing Coalition presentations once a month and have asked to be paired with a writing pod so I can finally get my fiction books published.
I try to always video the presentation portion because it gives me a chance to say all the things I want to get across before people interrupt with questions. I do not mind people asking questions but my brain loses its train of thought and off we go on a tangent not related to the talk. I do have a tendency to talk quickly when I am recording as I do not want the videos to be too long. The Q& A session was good as people were able to get their own questions answered and hopefully I was able to clarify a few things in laymens terms. I do have a tendency to get lost in the tech.
I keep hoping I am getting better at putting together the presentations, recording the videos and tweaking them at the end. To help with that I now have a new toy called DESCRIPT
I cannot tell you enough about this product. Yes, it is an AI software suite. It is $30 a month for 30 hours of video. It edits precisely for me by me deleting the words it has transcribed from the video. It deletes the video that belonged to those words. It automatically takes out long silences and the ohs, and uhms. Then it highlights text, such as double works and phrases that you might want to take out. It will let you correct the words within the transcript for those times it could not understand what the speaker was saying AND if there are two or more speakers it selects the text based on voice and you can give them a name.
This is not perfect by no means. You do have to go through the entire translation to ensure that the words are correct and there are some features that I am experimenting with such as "EYE CONTACT". It is kind of spooky looking but on short videos it is okay. There are limited styles of captions but nice none-the-less. And you can download the entire translation into a WORD document! I will be making a tutorial on this later.
But for now, enjoy the presentation and do not forget to subscribe to my blog, like, comment and share!
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