Southern Women Crafts - Christmas Sale to Celebrate My Mom

As I posted earlier in the year my mom passed away 11/21/2021. Terrible date which should have been lucky. She went quietly. Entirely too quietly if you ask me. It has taken me a year to finally be able to vent all the frustration that I have felt over the medical communities lack of just doing their job. I worked in the medical field for over 20 years before I retired the first time. Yes, it was all in the medical office area but you pick up quite a bit of knowledge reading medical records for billing, talking to doctors, nurses and med-techs. They all knew from her previous hospitalization when she broke her hip that she had a mini-stroke sometime in the last 5 years. 

When she could not talk anymore or move her body on her own that should have been a major clue that she needed to be treated for the stroke protocol to minimize the damage. But I could not get anyone to listen to me or to even be concerned. Just because you have reached your seventies does not necessarily mean that you are no longer a viable human being. I urge every single care-giver out there to please be more assertive in your advocating for the person you are caring for. Whether they are a family member or not, you are the one who is with the person each day and you need to DEMAND that the medical personnel to pay attention. KEEP GOOD records of what is happening.

For those who are not in crisis I would hope you will spend as much time with your older loved ones as you can. Make sure to take pictures, record videos and label everything with names, dates and places. You will truly appreciate that information and those memories when you get older and they will be almost the only evidence that the person even existed. 

Visit our online store. I created the store to help sell all the items that mom created as well as myself to reach customers who truly appreciate a handcrafted gift.

Get 25% Off Every Handcrafted Item in the Store till December 15, 2022 
