The Purpose Of A Writer Quote by Albert Camus

Yes, the purpose of a writer is to keep society from destroying itself. Well, we had all better get on the ball because that is what it seems is truly happening these days. I cannot look at the 'real' news anymore because they do not report 'just the facts' but skew everything to sensationalize or marginalize what they are reporting on depending on the whim of the day.

Authors, indeed writers and artists of all kinds, media, philosophies and training are task with helping us all understand and appreciate each other. Indeed, we all wish we can just 'skip to the good part' with a wave of our hands and land somewhere in the Star Trek universe where there is no money, we all learn new things, grow in our personaly journey, perform assigned tasks, have enough to eat and simply get along. Yes, it is a Utopian view point and even they have their problems but the ones about race, creed and color no longer seem to be the driving force of most of society.

If you could create a world where everyone is equal, we all have access to food, eduction, healthcare and the arts - could you do it? Would you do it? Or, is the human race bound to extinction and there isn't much we can do about it?
