Romance Book Covers I Have Entered Into NERCC

I don't know about you but I love a good book cover. It should reflect the genre in colors and style and the elements presented should have some representation of what is inside the story. I do love to tinker with graphics and I have created several book covers over the last 10 years. As with anything else it takes time and practice to get it just about right. To that end I have put up three of the romance book covers I have created over the last couple of years for the newly formed - National Excellence in Romance Cover Contest NERCC. I may do two or three more if I can. The contest closes on 08312024 if there is anyone else out there who would like to enter.

A Widows Dilemma in Cuba Book Cover
Truth Wins by Lacey Dancer Book Cover

Rue Toulouse by Debby Grahl Book Cover

STAY-TUNED - next month we might have to solicit votes for our covers. 

