
Showing posts from February, 2025

Linda Hansen: Journey of an Accidental Watercolor Artists

Jolene's Book and Writer's Talk Podcast Interviews South Florida Author Linda Hansen. She hand painted each of the pages in her two books and is contemplating a third. "Curious about self-publishing, watercolor art, or storytelling? 📚🎨 Check out our latest episode featuring Linda Hansen who shares her unique journey as a late-blooming children's book author. Inspiring doesn't even begin to describe it! 

Jolene's Quick Review About Link Hubs such as LinkTree And Other Rambling Thoughts

Jolene's Quick Review About Link Hubs such as LinkTree And Other Rambling Thoughts: I just finished presenting this video and did a Q&A session with those who showed up from the Writers Alliance of Gainesville author group. Of which I have been a member for a number of years now. We just closed the books on the 2025 Sunshine State Book Festival season and I may not be returning to that in the fall. I will be still giving the Marketing Coalition presentations once a month and have asked to be paired with a writing pod so I can finally get my fiction books published. I try to always video the presentation portion because it gives me a chance to say all the things I want to get across before people interrupt with questions. I do not mind people asking questions but my brain loses its train of thought and off we go on a tangent not related to the talk. I do have a tendency to talk quickly when I am recording as I do not want the videos to be too long. The Q& A session was good...

Getting The Podcasts Done With the New Descript App

I am so happy, so far, with a new app called DESCRIPT which as an app for you computer as well as a web interface to use. It is probably best that I have Fiber Optic Cable Internet with decents speeds these days to use the program. It is saving me hours in editing, adding captions, and integrating the various parts of the podcast that I film separately into a final product if one video for YouTube, a high-quality MP3 file for Apple Podcast and Spotify which leaves me more time to get more done. The price for the AI Driven software package is $30 a month. I used it to take out all the double words and uhs and ums that people make while recording and to shorten videos with a more precise hand. You can assign speaker names if there is more than one person in the video so when you download the finished transcript you have an idea of who said what. There are several levels for beginners even a free, cut-down version for you to try before you commit to a monthly or yearly price. Ther...